By: Mary Gillett On: March 16, 2018 In: King Trivia Cares Comments: 0

King Trivia® Cares is hosting a special Trivia Night at Charlie’s Stars & Stripes in Upland to benefit The American Lung Association, an organization dedicated to improving lung health and preventing lung disease.

This King Trivia® Cares event will take place during our normal trivia time at Charlie’s Stars & Stripes, on May 8th, 2018, from 7:00-9:00 PM.

No purchase necessary to play trivia, though if you do donate at the event, you will be eligible to win a portion of the proceeds!

About The American Lung Association

The American Lung Association is the leading organization working to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease, through research, education and advocacy. Our work is focused on five strategic imperatives: to defeat lung cancer; to improve the air we breathe; to reduce the burden of lung disease on individuals and their families; to eliminate tobacco use and tobacco-related diseases; and to accelerate fundraising and enhance organizational effectiveness to support the urgency of our mission.

Our Mission and Goals

See our mission and learn more about our strategic plan to achieve our goals. Learn more about our mission »

Our Impact

Whether it’s searching for cures to lung diseases, keeping kids off tobacco or fighting for laws that protect the air we all breathe, the work of the American Lung Association helps to save lives every day. Learn more about our impact »

Our History

For more than 110 years, the American Lung Association has led the fight for healthy lungs and healthy air. Today, our work is more important than ever. Learn more about our history »

About King Trivia Cares

Are you on a quest to make the world a better place? Are you looking to raise money and boost awareness for a local charity, non-profit group, unfunded school program or other worthwhile special project? King Trivia Cares!

King Trivia events are a perfect tool for raising awareness and raising funds. By holding your event at a King Trivia show, you’ll tap into our extensive community of culturally attuned players, and we’ll help spread the word by promoting your fundraiser throughout our empire. Best of all, there are no fees involved! At King Trivia, we’re all about the philanthropy.

How it Works:
Your fundraiser will take place in tandem with a regular King Trivia event. King Trivia®games are free to play, but those who opt to support your cause will make a pre-determined contribution (typically $5-$15 per player) from which a small amount (we recommend 10%) is set aside as a prize for the winning team.

That’s it! All remaining funds go to the sponsoring organization. King Trivia Cares charges no fees of any kind, and does not benefit financially in any way. We do get a warm fuzzy glow inside, however.

Scheduling a King Trivia Cares event is easy. All we need from you is a commitment to bring at least 20 (or more) players grouped into 5 (or more) teams. We’ll do our best to accommodate specific scheduling requests, and will work with you to determine the best location and timing. King Trivia gets to make the final decision on what location may be used for your King Trivia® CARES event.

    Venue Information (optional)