Aioli Gourmet Burgers

430 E Bell Rd, #103
Phoenix AZ 85028
(602) 633-3030


Thu Oct 7 2021
| by Quizmaster Naomi McMillan

We had a great Trivia Night at Aioli Burgers Thursday night and even added a new team this week. Beer is Brain Food added some players so they remixed and formed the new team Girls Rule Boys Drool, to add to the competition. All three teams battled it out until Beer is Brain Food ultimately won the night's festivities. We had a few double or nothing round winners which added to the excitement and their scores! We had excellent support from the on site staff with both some logistics for the sound equipment and keeping all of our glasses and plates full through out the evening. We all voted to take a 5 minute refreshment break about halfway through the game to allow some of us to replenish those food and beverages. This helped ensure we were able to keep up our strength and sense of humor for the second half of the game. For at least one of our teams, they needed some additional "brain food" which worked out pretty well for them in the end. The final standings were first place, Beer is Brain Food, second was Proud of You and rounding out third was Girls Rule Boys Drool. We're all looking forward to a rematch next Thursday night!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 35130 Beer is brain food 51 2 1.000
2 35791 Proud of you 44 1 0.500
3 35788 Girls Rule Boys Drool 😜 30 0 0.000