Winning at King Trivia pub quizzes is not just about what you know. When it comes down to it, it's really about how you play the game. The best teams have off nights, and the worst teams, if they play enough, will have on nights. Knowing when to double, or not double, is a vital part of winning.
Team Santa's Driedels exercised the right amount of restraint, doubled at the right times, and in doing so, decimated the other teams handily. Currently ranked at #108 in our Season X Tournament of Champions, they are likely to qualify for the $10,000 finale.
Emerging contenders The Ball Carriers finished second tonight, though the final scores are not as close as the quiz was, up until the final rounds.
If you've never drank a beer inside a supermarket (legally), you owe it to yourself to make your way over to Bar Rincon, inside Whole Foods, at The Collection, in Oxnard (remember to separate prepositional phases with commas!). It's pretty fun. I suggest Wednesday nights at 7, just saying...