Barney's Beanery - Pasadena

99 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 405-9777


Thu Jan 19 2023
| by Quizmaster Carlos Campos

Happy Birthday to Edgar Allen Poe! For the drinking round I had them send a rep up and each person would do one word from The Raven, single elim. Grats to Nebraska Fish Tacos for taking it!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17981 Drunk in Public 96 8 1.000
2 55152 You not say Ukraine weak 83 7 0.875
3 10325 Pasadena Peeps 74 6 0.750
4 87562 Nebraska Fish Tacos 57 5 0.625
5 Geralt of Trivia 51 4 0.500
6 15407 Purple Monkey Dishwasher 50 3 0.375
7 87566 I Hope My Friends Show Up 37 2 0.250
8 AKA 34 1 0.125
9 Closure 22 0 0.000