Barney's Beanery - Pasadena

99 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 405-9777


Thu Mar 2 2023
| by Quizmaster Carlos Campos

Packed house tonight! For the drinking round, I finally did a guess the music, all Marches for the month of March is upon us. Grats to You Not Say Ukraine Weak! For winning the round and taking third overall. 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 15407 Purple Monkey Dishwasher 90 19 1.000
2* 10325 Pasadena Peeps 77 17 0.921
2 55152 You not say Ukraine weak 77 17 0.921
4 10330 Intravenus De Milo 71 15 0.816
4 17981 Drunk in Public 71 15 0.816
6 30083 Second Cousins 54 14 0.737
7 No Expectations 52 13 0.684
8 88843 The Drunken Philosophers 46 12 0.632
9 10662 You Thought We Smelled Bad on the Outside 44 11 0.579
10 10251 Fear of Flying 41 10 0.526
11 15581 The Blanches 38 9 0.474
12 Glomerulus 37 8 0.421
13 Keck 36 7 0.368
14 12937 Perpetually 2nd Place 30 6 0.316
15 Star Chaser 29 5 0.263
16 91400 Tasmanian Devils 28 3 0.184
16 91399 la girls who do trivia 28 3 0.184
18 91408 blood wizards 24 2 0.105
19 91452 Student loans 23 1 0.053
20 79380 Sasquatch liaisons 22 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker