Barney's Beanery - West Hollywood

8447 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood CA 90069
(323) 654-2287
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 9:00pm


Tue Jan 30 2024
| by Quizmaster Christopher Handschuch

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 55713 Beef Pirates 60 20 1.000
2 10930 Quiz on Your Face 58 19 0.950
3 34098 Mostly Andy 54 17 0.875
3 Urethra Franklin 54 17 0.875
5 19361 Definitely Cheating 53 16 0.800
6 10395 Hail hydra! 51 15 0.750
7 110279 Playboy Barneys 49 14 0.700
8 122530 Ealing Massif 48 13 0.650
9 116681 Brains Against The Machine 40 12 0.600
10 122534 It’s Boeing Down! 31 11 0.550
11 122531 Dangerous Nights Crew 30 9 0.475
11 the knicks 30 9 0.475
13 92346 Quiz Daddy Scott Rogowsky 28 8 0.400
14 Team winner 60 points 26 7 0.350
15 Fish Lips 25 6 0.300
16 110281 beanie babies 22 5 0.250
17 122535 Chloe&Rylee 18 3 0.175
17 122532 Qatari funded 18 3 0.175
19 122533 United States Marine Corps 11 2 0.100
20 98693 0 bitches 6 1 0.050
21 122536 Rachel table 2 0 0 0.000