BearMoose Brewing Company

1934 Revere Beach Pkwy
Everett MA 02149
(617) 294-1211
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue Nov 16 2021
| by Quizmaster Marleah Rose

The busiest night we've had yet? I bet y'all heard about the prizes? (Gift cards -- $25 to 1st place, $15 for 2nd and 3rd gets $10!) 

That's time well spent. Congrats to our winners, "Insert name here." Though their name will go down in history as the winner, I am not sure everyone will understand the brilliance of the name for this brilliant team.

I'd also like to give thanks to the real MVP of the night, Emily. She was on her game. Here she is showing off the selection on tap right now at BearMoose, check out the beers!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 39803 Insert name here 51 9 1.000
2 39797 Trash 50 8 0.889
3 39798 Hewhohasnoname 48 7 0.778
4 39813 Unlucky Pennys 47 6 0.667
5 39812 3rd degree sunburn 43 5 0.556
6 31221 Triviasaurus rex 42 3 0.389
6 38939 Panda Beers 42 3 0.389
8 39796 Trivia Titans 38 2 0.222
9 39799 KidznBeer 36 1 0.111
10 39795 Infrastructure Week 33 0 0.000