BearMoose Brewing Company

1934 Revere Beach Pkwy
Everett MA 02149
(617) 294-1211
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue Dec 14 2021
| by Quizmaster Marleah Rose

These pictures tell the night's story... Just as the puppy bites the neck of the larger dog, Salvador Dolly Parton playfully climbed to the top of the pile to take home first prize ($25 giftcard.) The occasional vegans perched themselves on the top of the scoreboard the whole night and came home with the $15 giftcard. Argo Cargo sat at attention and for that they walked away with a $10 giftcard.

Delightful night of dogs and humans, alike. Great job, dogs!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 42585 Salvador Dolly Parton 43 6 1.000
2 42583 The occasional vegans 39 5 0.833
3 42582 Argo Cargo 34 4 0.667
4 42581 I'm just here because of Bumble 33 3 0.500
5 39797 Trash 31 2 0.333
6 42584 The alphabet kids 30 1 0.167
7 42580 Guy and Company 25 0 0.000