BearMoose Brewing Company

1934 Revere Beach Pkwy
Everett MA 02149
(617) 294-1211
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue May 17 2022
| by Quizmaster Marleah Rose

Y'all make me proud! Everyone did so good, including the sassiest of babies (pictured in the act of being sassy.) Even our team in the rear wasn't to shabby, (you go, Not Too Abby.) They're team's sporty spice was an epic player in the makeshift carnival style game of ringtoss and barely missed taking home the $5 giftcard in the runoff game of rock, paper, scissors. 

BearMoose is like The Olive Garden in that when you are here, you are family, but slightly different because instead of eating sad penne and fighting, we drink excellent brews and have a good time!

Disclaimer: The words and ideas in this statement to do not reflect the opinions of BearMoose, King Triva or The Olive Garden.


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 66463 The battle of Honk Shoe vs Honk Me Me Me 39 3 1.000
2 57514 The Dogz 38 2 0.667
3 38939 Panda Beers 34 1 0.333
4 66480 Not_too_abby 32 0 0.000