BearMoose Brewing Company

1934 Revere Beach Pkwy
Everett MA 02149
(617) 294-1211
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue May 24 2022
| by Quizmaster Marleah Rose

Have you ever played a sport-game of coaster frisbee skeeball? We did. Congrats to The Dogz for winning the $5 card on that round. I wish I had taken a picture, but I went with the reliable standard of dog participants for the picture. Everyone did great and I appreciate the players that stuck around to let the good times roll.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 67439 PHOENIX 55 4 1.000
2 55427 The dogz 43 3 0.750
3 67476 The Newcomers 36 2 0.500
4 67442 It’s a shucking joke 24 1 0.250
5 67441 Franabel 23 0 0.000