BearMoose Brewing Company

1934 Revere Beach Pkwy
Everett MA 02149
(617) 294-1211
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue Jul 26 2022
| by Quizmaster Marleah Rose

It was hot as HECK in temperature and on the scoreboard, but the teams were cool in their attitude and awesome-ness factor. As it turns out that the team who asks the right questions also knows the most answers. Who ordered the pizza? went home with the $20 giftcard, It Comes in Pints?! (also a good question,) went home with the $15 2nd place prize, and Prestige Worldwide took home the $10 giftcard for 3rd place. 

Our hometown heroes, team Panda Beers, were in the rear tonight, but I took a picture with them because they are my favorite team, (don't tell people I said that though, because I only announce it on the mic everytime they come and I don't want the other teams to get weird about it.)

As a side note, I found out I don'tknow how to play Simon Says, I am not a good Simon and I will forever carry the burden of that shame.

Thanks everyone for coming out and I hope to see you again, soon!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Who ordered the pizza? 38 3 1.000
2 48362 It Comes in Pints!? 35 2 0.667
3 Prestige Worldwide 33 1 0.333
4 Panda Beers 27 0 0.000