Big Stump Brewing Company

1716 L Street
Sacramento CA 95811
(916) 668-7433
About Big Stump Brewing Company


Wed Nov 24 2021
| by Quizmaster Mark Berry

Total domination from Pete + Kim Forever! They were bold enough to do the double or nothing during the Dave round and they were rewarded for it! Other than that, the beer was flowing and the smiles were aplenty at Big Stump Brew Co on this lovely Thanksgiving Eve.



Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 40995 Pete + Kim Forever 48 4 1.000
2 41000 I Thought This Was Speed Dating 35 3 0.750
3 41028 The Apricots 32 2 0.500
4 40994 Thanks for the Ulcers 20 1 0.250
5 41094 French Tuck 0 0 0.000