Blaker Brewing Atwater

1930 Airdrome Entry
Atwater CA 95301


Wed Dec 1 2021
| by Quizmaster scott Ng

A chilly December evening at blaker Brewing created the perfect atmosphere in the warm welcoming local brewery for a night of King Trivia. The Weiners faced off against New challengers in BRAVES and showed them the ropes of trivia night. All were excited as the game started and Weiners quickly took the lead doubling down on round three and establishing themselves as the forerunners. Both teams played incredibly well, but Weiners ran away with the game going for double or nothing three times and getting it right all three times. BRAVES pulled in shortly behind them still with an impressive score and both teams were excited for next week

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 41461 The Weiners 63 1 1.000
2 41499 BRAVES 37 0 0.000