Bogart's Bar & Grill

166 Hillcrest Dr
Thousand Oaks CA 91360
(805) 494-4702
About Bogart's Bar & Grill

Bogart's Bar & Grill is a family friendly, full service bar and restaurant located on the 2nd floor of Muvico Theaters Rosemont 18 and Thousand Oaks 14. Offering classic American Fare and top shelf liquor and wine selections in an upscale casual environment.

Combined with Muvico Theaters, Bogart’s offers an unique dining experience to our guests. Combined with Muvico Theater’s ‘The Premier’ guests over the age of 21 can enjoy a VIP treatment after dinner in the lush over-sized seats. Guests can dine at Bogart’s with or without seeing a film. Bogart's Bar & Grill is a great place to sit down for a wonderful meal or cocktail, before the show, after the show or anytime!


Wed Oct 12 2016
| by Quizmaster Hannah Davey

No PUCKS Given reigned supreme again this week at Bogart's Bat and Grill while they made it rain with their winnings (see photo above). Throughout the game, Menstruation Nation and Boo Boo's Wankers went back and forth between second and third place. However, Still Dedicated to the Proposition That Mark Loves Peas came from behind like a dark horse, correctly doubling in Round Seven and knocking Menstruation Nation to forth place.

As a side note, Quizmaster Hannah enjoyed the variations on Still Dedicated to the Proposition That Mark Loves Peas' name, especially when she got to sing them... For instance, when she got to wail sone Whitney Houston for her quiz people: "And Maaaaaaark Will Always Love Peeeeeeeas!"

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10216 No Pucks Given 75 8 1.000
2 10264 Boo Boo's Wankers 69 7 0.875
3 10291 Still Dedicated to the Proposition That Mark Loves Peas 58 6 0.750
4 10256 Menstruation Nation 52 5 0.625
5 10244 Double Down Dare Ya 48 4 0.500
6 10250 Moses 43 3 0.375
7 Dr. Strange Meets Dr. Strangelove 25 2 0.250
8 10596 We think therefore we drink 20 1 0.125
9 Team Unicorn 19 0 0.000