Tue Jul 26 2022
| by Quizmaster Amyth Raghav

A near housefull event at the Bread & Barley on a lovely Tuesday evening!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Goonz Squad 85 8 1.000
2 74179 losingISAmyth 64 7 0.875
3 24334 Wet Hair 55 6 0.750
4 21408 The Fun Guys 52 5 0.625
5 10349 Cheers 46 4 0.500
6 mischief managed 37 3 0.375
7 74146 Team O 27 2 0.250
8 74170 The team heard around the world the one and only team roomies 22 1 0.125
9 Micro Right 13 0 0.000