Brouwerij West

110 E 22nd Street, Warehouse No 9
San Pedro CA 90731
(310) 833-933
About Brouwerij West
We brew beer in the classic Belgian style. Our new home at the Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro, California is now open


Wed Nov 24 2021
| by Quizmaster Ashley Stewart

This Thanksgiving I'm greatful for all the teams that came to play trivia the day before Thanksgiving. We had a great crowd and lots of new teams! Team Pop Fizz Clink were our first place winners last night with a point total of 70. They received a $50 gift card and basked in the first place glory. Second place went to team What What?!?! who came in with 62 points and received a $25 gift card. And third in our winners circle went to The Tipsy Redcoat and Black Mamba with 55 points and a $15 gift card. Great job, everybody!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 41032 PoP FiZz ClInK 70 12 1.000
2 28506 What what !?! 62 11 0.917
3 41030 The Tipsy Redcoat and the Black Mamba 55 10 0.833
4 41037 Peaches en regalia 39 9 0.750
5 41031 Umm, I'm sorry. I'm not going to say that out loud. 37 8 0.667
6 41021 Situation at the Ports 35 7 0.583
7 41015 Jive Turkeys 33 6 0.500
8 41029 D8 30 5 0.417
9 41018 Dunns N Dragons 29 4 0.333
10 41016 KOOKS 22 2 0.208
10 41111 Christopher Clutch 22 2 0.208
12 41039 R_U_mad 13 1 0.083
13 41020 Tpain 9 0 0.000