Brouwerij West

110 E 22nd Street, Warehouse No 9
San Pedro CA 90731
(310) 833-933
About Brouwerij West
We brew beer in the classic Belgian style. Our new home at the Port of Los Angeles, San Pedro, California is now open


Wed Dec 20 2023
| by Quizmaster Ashley Stewart

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 78070 Do it for Oma 63 24 1.000
2 94081 Peedro Sibs 55 23 0.958
3 118772 O dash H dash I dash O 46 22 0.917
4 Merry fishmas 36 20 0.854
4 118783 Quiz turds 36 20 0.854
6 118768 The Gangstas 35 18 0.771
6 118797 Spider-Man says happy birthday Christine 35 18 0.771
8 74310 Team Leo 34 14 0.594
8 Stranded 34 14 0.594
8 118779 Deez Nutcrackers 34 14 0.594
8 118780 Fishie Fishie 34 14 0.594
12 28798 Foursum 33 12 0.521
12 Babysaurus 33 12 0.521
14 50759 Big Al’s Pepperoni 30 11 0.458
15 John travoltage 29 10 0.417
16 Squidwards 28 9 0.375
17 MOOSE 26 8 0.333
18 Shady Santas 24 7 0.292
19 Daddy’s Milk 23 6 0.250
20 24573 Amanda Lorian 21 5 0.208
21 111769 Sail La Vie 18 3 0.146
21 118792 Happy birthday Jon 18 3 0.146
23 Dennis the menace 13 2 0.083
24 Spectator don’t count 0 0 0.021
24 don’t count just watching 0 0 0.021