Cactus Jack's Saloon & Grill

4651 Hwy 73, Suite 114
Evergreen CO 80439
(303) 674-1564


Wed May 24 2023
| by Quizmaster Domenic DeSoto

Exciting stuff going on at Cactus Jacks this eve, as we headed to a tiebreaker round when the top two teams Suck It Trebek and Honor Roll ties in Round 7. The calorie count of veggies lasagna was just too low for Trebekers who assumed is had more calories than an entire McDonalds menu and thus the crown was taken by the Honor Rolees. Until next time! 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Honor roll 51 3 0.875
1 82810 Suck It Trebek 51 3 0.875
3 98515 Nips Akimbo 37 2 0.500
4 84738 Second Life 30 1 0.250
5 99216 Once Upon a Dean’s List 29 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker