Cascade Brewing Barrel House

939 SE Belmont St
Portland OR 97214
(503) 265-8603


Wed Dec 22 2021
| by Quizmaster Darien West

Welcome back to 

Cascade Brewing Barrel House!


Yes you guessed it! King Trivia was back in the Cascade Brewing Barrel House and it was lit(erary.)!

We had a few new faces to join in all of the King Trivia classiness or madness depending on what you were drinking. In all serious, the new teams put in a great deal of effort, thought and spunk to make their freshman appearance a memorable one.

Extra warm shout outs to team Performance Anxiety and team Sagicorns!

It was great to back in the saddle as your host, quiz conductor and maybe even your biggest fan. Always a pleasure to meet the new patrons and connect with the regulars like Witless Wonders! (dab emoji)


Now without further ado let's get down to business. The game was hard fought and it was anybody's game, but in the end one team would claim the title this Wednesday night. 

The FINAL scoreboard displayed:

3rd - Performance Anxiety - 27 points

2nd - Sagicorns - 50 points

1st - Witless Wonders 72 points! (2 week streak in venue)


Thank you all for coming out to have a good time. Hope to see you there with a friend next time! - DW

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 26471 Witless Wonders 72 2 1.000
2 44820 Sagicorns 50 1 0.500
3 44834 Performance Anxiety 27 0 0.000