Chuy's - Stevenson Ranch

25289 The Old Rd.
Stevenson Ranch CA 91381
(661) 288-1022
About Chuy's - Stevenson Ranch


Wed May 1 2019
| by Quizmaster Mark Fortier

Nice come from behind Cashout Cashout

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16738 Cashout Cashout 70 8 1.000
2 10249 Pharrell and Elphaba 68 7 0.875
3 12217 Stone Cold Jane Austen 65 6 0.750
4 10192 Shenanigators 64 5 0.625
5 16471 8008135 41 4 0.500
6 12810 No use for a name 39 2 0.312
6 18219 Chuys legands 39 2 0.312
8 19729 Hot heads 36 1 0.125
9 16164 Regal Illegal 34 0 0.000