Corner Cantina

630 W. 6TH ST. 116-B/C
Los Angeles CA 90017
(213) 614-1900
About Corner Cantina

Corner Cantina aims to connect the neighborhood by offering a fun, vibrant, and colorful gathering spot to eat, drink, and celebrate. With creative spins on traditional Mexican cuisine and an expansive mezcal, tequila, and craft beer list, we invite you to #buildyourownfiesta!


Thu May 16 2019
| by Quizmaster Tom Korner

It was great to host at the Corner Cantina this week. Super venue in downtown LA with GREAT food. Great to meet all the players including several regulars to Corner Cantina.

The game was a lot of fun with the top 5 teams battling it out all the way for the top three spots.

Regulars teams Better Late Than Pregnant and Pettifoggers grabbed the first and second prizes and The Toothsome Twosome won third place (The Toothsome Twosome are frequent Kind Trivia players who came out to the Corner Cantina for the first time tonight so very nice to have them there).

Great place to come on a Thursday night, I hope to be back to host soon.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 19745 Better Late Than Pregnant 54 6 1.000
2 18156 Pettifoggers 49 5 0.833
3 11813 The Toothsome Twosome 45 4 0.667
4 13758 Zero Days Sober 44 3 0.500
5 Y Answer 39 2 0.333
6 Viadas 22 1 0.167
7 Los Cochinitos 18 0 0.000