Foxtown Brewing

6411 W Mequon Rd
Mequon WI 53092


Wed May 10 2023
| by Quizmaster David Rusch

Tonight everyone was a winner!

A well deserved and overdue beautiful spring day in Milwaukee brought a lower turnout than usual, but those 3 teams that played to the end all won!  

In first place, Whiskeypedia, who got Flo early in the clues in Guess Who to separate them from the pack.  In second, a new team, Mason Jars, and a return team, Algebraic Donkeys, taking 3rd.

Happy Mother's Day to all moms, and special appreciation for all those teachers out there.

Until next week....

QM Dave

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 97994 Whiskeypedia 40 2 1.000
2 98011 Mason Jars 34 1 0.500
3 94714 Algebraic Donkeys 31 0 0.000