Goal Sports Cafe

8334 W 3rd St
Los Angeles CA 90048
(323) 655-5955
About Goal Sports Cafe

Located in the heart of the West 3rd St. corridor, between Orlando and Sweetzer. Goal Sports Cafe was established to provide a great sports experience. With good people, great food and drinks and an entertainment system second only to being at the game.


Wed Oct 16 2019
| by Quizmaster Sanyee Yuan

How bout those questions tho?

I mean the ones in Round 3. That all ended in questions!

LOVED the attempts to answer "What is the original British title of the 'Where's Waldo?' franchise?"

We saw "Where's Walter?"

"Can You Find Him?"

"Where's Wallace?"

And my personal favorite -- "Where's Sanyee?"

Man I wish I coulda given you guys points for that, GOAL Regulators! You my fam!

Well, y'all still won anyways, since you could not be caught after that very successful Double Down for Find the Connection! You knew your kings well.

Just as I said as I was revealing the answers -- you need look no further than the pen or book in front of you to know "Trivia!"

LOL also how much did we love the Disney Princess round and how much did the Round 6 babies handout scare everyone off from having kids?

And how funny was it when I called Mark Dellham Sucks "Mark Pellham Sucks" because I was thinking of The Taking of Pellham 1, 2, 3 for some odd reason? I can't explain how my mind works. But I know y'all and love y'all!!

And since we only had four teams tonight, we got to embark on a fun storytelling adventure -- where reps from each team, Adam (Toby Rollers), Jackie (Mark Dellham Sucks), and Jasmine (Spicey Meat-a-Ball) went and told their different tales.

They had the floor to vent about something crazy or to recollect a funny experience -- and when all was said and done and the mic was passed round the circle, Jasmine won the Round of Drinks with her crazy ganja story that was like a happier version of Jackie's weed story!

I love it when we all get to know each other better!

So congrats to Jasmine and Spicey-Meat-a-Ball for winning the Drinking Round and Second Place of the night, and Toby Rollers for third, and Mark Dellham Sucks for making it a terrific trivia girls night out!

Make sure to have your costumes for Wednesday October 30 as we will have our costume contest for the Drinking Round!

I will miss y'all next week but can't wait to be back and at it before Halloween 🙂

Much much <3, Sanyee!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 18949 GOAL Regulators 64 3 1.000
2 12619 Spicey Meat-A-Ball 60 2 0.667
3 21469 Toby Rollers 45 1 0.333
4 22532 Mark Dellham Sucks 43 0 0.000