Gramercy Santa Monica

2460 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica CA 90403
(310) 820-2115
About Gramercy Santa Monica


Inspired by New York in the heart of Santa Monica, Gramercy is a neighborhood bar and gathering place created by Travis Clemens Santos and Troy Donnell who are no strangers to the LA bar scene.  Clemens Santos and Donnell are also owners of The Belmont, Bruhaus, and The West End Santa Monica.

Designed by Derek Kistner of  Ink and Wood; each fixture inside Gramercy was made from scratch with an appreciation for the bricks, and wood fixture often found in the Flatiron district of New York.  The bar features custom oak wood touches of wrought iron, leather, and natural light features.

Full bar menu featuring cocktails, wine and beer.  Brunch/lunch is served daily until 3 pm and Dinner served daily until 11 pm.


Wed Jul 10 2019
| by Quizmaster Daniel Boddicker

Battle royal was alive and well at Gramercy last night as three teams stood neck and neck throughout the game. Victory wasn't assured - just as this quizmaster tripped up and read an answer instead of the question. Good thing I had a back up!

KG NO NAME, despite their pleas of being too drunk, took the crown in a tiebreaker over DUNNELL. While THE MANGOS came in third and didn't get a gift certificate, they still got a free round of shots. We know how to take care of our players here at Gramercy.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 KG No Name 40 1 0.750
1 Dunnell 40 1 0.750
3 The Mangos 32 0 0.000