HiDef Brewing Company

1203 South Olive Street
Los Angeles CA 90015
(213) 973-5350


Tue Mar 7 2023
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

Alan The Bartender put his foot down. "The Ex-Presidents Are Surfers!!!" must earn at least 33 points to get their free drinks. So say I, so say all!" He procaliemd this from atop a large barrel of some kind of IPA and the edict was there enacted. And the team did it. They had 33 to go, and 33 (and more) they did indubitabley get! Fun was had by all! Let's talk!

Identifying the green people from Round #2 ended up being more challenging for them than they thought, but they got through it. Gumby is always a winner!

Fun times all around at Hi-Def Brewing every Tuesday at 7:00 pm for great King Trivia times! Wooo-haa!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 76874 The Ex-Presidents are Surfers!!! 43 0 0.000