Institution Ale Co.

3841 Mission Oaks Blvd
Camarillo CA 93012
(805) 482-377
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue Jul 30 2019
| by Quizmaster Lamar MiLes

It was kind of a weird night at IAC. I'm gonna go ahead and blame Mercury Retrograde. The Chuckleheads won again, with 63 points. Your Mom's House had 57 in second, and Blumpkin Spice Latte took third with 53. Next week, it will be a new month, a new Pizza of the Month, and who knows what the hell could happen. Be there and find out!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 15859 The Chuckleheads 63 16 1.000
2 10961 Your Mom's House 57 15 0.938
3 12621 Blumpkin Spice Latte 53 14 0.875
4 Golden Canines 51 13 0.812
5 19184 Thunder buddies 48 12 0.750
6 17430 The Isolates 43 11 0.688
7 12107 The Stumps 41 10 0.625
8 Pleasure Stallions 38 9 0.562
9 17597 Pumpernickels 32 8 0.500
10 17518 Dixon cider 30 7 0.438
11 Bro, My Mom Does Porn 29 5 0.344
11 21601 CK Awesomeness 29 5 0.344
13 21604 The Powbanks 28 3 0.219
13 21602 Famarillo 28 3 0.219
15 The Team That Dominates The Pleasure Stallions 24 2 0.125
16 Avocados 15 1 0.062
17 Clarity Crew 12 0 0.000