Institution Ale Co.

3841 Mission Oaks Blvd
Camarillo CA 93012
(805) 482-377
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 7:00pm


Tue Dec 10 2019
| by Quizmaster Lamar MiLes

Cold nights, cold beer, hot pizza and hot trivia, just another Tuesday night at Institution Ales.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12107 The Stumps 73 10 1.000
2 12609 Fatty Livers 72 9 0.900
3 15859 The Chuckleheads 69 8 0.800
4 13724 We Give Up 62 7 0.700
5 22769 Bible Study 53 6 0.600
6 The Nerdery 49 5 0.500
7 23568 Platinum Disco 42 4 0.400
8 Hardwood and Holes 37 3 0.300
9 Struggle Nation 35 2 0.200
10 Sons of Mark 31 1 0.100
11 Goose 12 0 0.000