Joe's Cafe

17823 Chatsworth St
Granada Hills CA 91344
(818) 488-9841
About Joe's Cafe

Joe’s Café is a true creation by the hands of the owners, Joe and Aliceon. They had a vision of a café with a modern, comfortable and very friendly atmosphere. Everything being homemade, from the light fixtures to the pastry cabinet, they created what they think to be perfect dining experience. Their “homemade” décor plays into Chef Joe’s style of cooking, ALL homemade. Joe takes pride in the simple style of cooking…


Food Done Good.


Tue Sep 25 2018
| by Quizmaster Mark Youngs

Quick game tonight as three teams started, with one being a taste-test that had prior plans and needed to leave after round 3.

Two teams means quick game. So, Got Kids-3 Rounds & Out actually got to stay for the whole game. And they're glad they did. With a good double in round 3, they jumped out ahead and never looked back. They were also perfect in round 6, but failed to double.

New Neighbors, also trying us on for size, was game to stay and finish it out, but couldn't quite muster enough steam to catch Got Kids. Expecting that both teams will be back for more King Trivia.

Congrats to Got Kids!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Got Kids, 3 rounds and out 53 1 1.000
2 New Neighbors 27 0 0.000