Joe's Cafe

17823 Chatsworth St
Granada Hills CA 91344
(818) 488-9841
About Joe's Cafe

Joe’s Café is a true creation by the hands of the owners, Joe and Aliceon. They had a vision of a café with a modern, comfortable and very friendly atmosphere. Everything being homemade, from the light fixtures to the pastry cabinet, they created what they think to be perfect dining experience. Their “homemade” décor plays into Chef Joe’s style of cooking, ALL homemade. Joe takes pride in the simple style of cooking…


Food Done Good.


Thu Dec 20 2018
| by Quizmaster Mark Youngs

Full House at Joe's tonight, last Thursday before Xmas. A lot of newcomers to King Trivia.

Super Delicious Jumped out and held the lead for most of the game, with the exception of round 3.

Preggo had the only successful double of the night and took the lead in round 3, but SD wrested it back in round 4 and cruised to the 1st-place finish.

It was a fun night, playing the holiday theme, and great to have so many folks try us on for size. Hopefully they had a great time, too, and will be back for more.

Congrats to Super Delicious for a 2nd straight win.


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17123 Super Delicious 43 5 1.000
2 Fizzing Whizzbees 41 4 0.800
3 Cruisin for a Boozin 37 3 0.600
4 Preggo 35 2 0.400
5 FWT 33 1 0.200
6 PTJN 26 0 0.000