LVL Up- Uproar

439 S First St
San Jose CA 95113
(408) 673-2266


Wed Oct 26 2022
| by Quizmaster Kyle Keating

What a spooky show we had tonight! 14 spooky teams playing for 3 spooky prizes! As the case has been for the past month or so, the law dogs came strong out of the gate and did not look back, holding the lead for all 7 rounds! Dead Lantern was slowly mounting a comeback but came up just short in the end only by a few points taking down second place. Haunted Houskey was slow and steady the entire night, sitting in a comfortable 3rd place and taking that gift card all the way to the spooky bank. See you next week! 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 The Law Dogs 63 13 1.000
2 37997 Dead Lantern 61 12 0.923
3 34877 Haunted Houskey 50 11 0.846
4 81011 THE MOOPS 46 10 0.769
5 Lukas Team 38 9 0.692
6 22900 Bronco Buddies 37 8 0.615
7 77056 Brad Pitt Fan Club 34 7 0.538
8 Canuckle Heads 33 6 0.462
9 The Tribe 30 5 0.385
10 80893 Empty Vessels 29 4 0.308
11 Thumbtack 2: Ahhh 23 3 0.231
12 Dragon Ballz Deep 22 2 0.154
13 Northside Nobodys 21 1 0.077
14 MAX CRANK 16 0 0.000