LVL Up- Uproar

439 S First St
San Jose CA 95113
(408) 673-2266


Wed Jan 11 2023
| by Quizmaster Kyle Keating

What a fantastic night of trivia! 9 teams fought it out tonight for the top 3 spots. I have never seen a more back-and-forth game all night between every team in play. There was not one consistent leader the whole game. Empty vessels and Red lantern got off 2 hot starts while howski played a solid 2nd place game the entire night. However it was THUMBTACK 2:AHHH who had an amazing comeback with a round 5 and a round 6 successful double. They managed to hang onto that slight lead and grab 3rd place by 2 points, with Howski in 2nd and Red Lantern taking down the win. Thanks for playing!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 37997 Red lantern 59 8 1.000
2 34877 Houskey 53 7 0.875
3 THUMBTACK 2: AAH 45 6 0.750
4 80893 Empty Vessels 43 5 0.625
5 The Law Dogs 41 4 0.500
6 Late to the party 40 3 0.375
7 Toque Cool 38 2 0.250
8 Here4Fun 36 1 0.125
9 Kyle loves the Buckeyes 24 0 0.000