LVL Up- Uproar

439 S First St
San Jose CA 95113
(408) 673-2266


Wed Mar 29 2023
| by Quizmaster Kyle Keating

Fun night of trivia! 8 teams fought it out for the top 3 spots. Houskey, Red Lantern, and Law Dogs held down the top 3 spots the entire evening without much pushback from the field. Red Lantern was leading the way until houskey had a miracle double in round 7 to give him a comfortable lead into the final round and take home the gold. Law dogs took down the bronze with Red Lantern grabbing silver. See you next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 34877 Houskey 70 7 1.000
2 37997 Red Lanter 61 6 0.857
3 88935 The Law Dogs 49 5 0.714
4 Results May Vary 42 4 0.571
5 80893 Empty Vessels 40 3 0.429
6 Bumble 35 2 0.286
7 40181 Yinzers 33 0 0.071
7 MAX CRANK 33 0 0.071