Quiz Recap – LVL Up- Uproar – Wed May 10 2023 — King Trivia

LVL Up- Uproar

439 S First St
San Jose CA 95113
(408) 673-2266


Wed May 10 2023
| by Quizmaster Kyle Keating

Another fun night of trivia with 9 teams fighting it out for the top 3 spots! Local hot shots Red Lantern got off to an early lead, and did not look back the entire game! Going wire to wire and taking down gold. However the fight for second place was on as Results may Vary, houskey, and empty vessels were in the mix. However it was results with a round 6 double that got them within striking distance of Red Lantern. Falling 2 points short in the end for gold however they were able to secure silver. Deadlocked in 3rd place was Houskey and Empty Vessels however with the help of his dad Houskey was able to grab the 3rd place slot by 1 point. Thanks for playing!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 37997 Red Lantern 68 8 1.000
2 Results May Vary 66 7 0.875
3 34877 Houskey 55 6 0.750
4 80893 Empty Vessels 54 5 0.625
5 88935 The Law Dogs 42 4 0.500
6 MAX CRANK 41 3 0.375
7 False Bravado 32 1 0.188
7 Thumbtack 2 of us left 32 1 0.188
9 The quizinators 31 0 0.000