Malainey's Grill

168 N. Marina Drive
Long Beach CA 90803
(562) 598-9431


Tue Feb 6 2018
| by Quizmaster John Brinkley

We had a lot of new teams tonight as well as a new sound system that added the ambiance in the room.  There was a good amount of competitive spirit in the room heading into our last round as it was only upon answering the last question that our first, second, and third place victors were decided!

Great night of trivia.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10585 Albatross 77 10 1.000
2 11089 Land Sharks 70 9 0.900
3 12302 The only ones who showed 65 8 0.800
4 10138 Wicked Wahines 62 7 0.700
5 Sandabs 58 6 0.600
6 10970 Whiskey Quizness 57 5 0.500
7 10102 Schrodinger's Cats and Dogs 52 4 0.400
8 Rainbows and Air Vehicles 49 3 0.300
9 Dahmer's House of Ribs 35 2 0.200
10 Go Cougars 33 1 0.100
11 11567 Long Beach Seal Beach 30 0 0.000