Malainey's Grill

168 N. Marina Drive
Long Beach CA 90803
(562) 598-9431


Tue Feb 20 2018
| by Quizmaster John Brinkley

While it may have been "California Cold" outside, we were heating up in Malainey's for our weekly round of Trivia.   The first few rounds gave our normally intellectually infallible teams a run for their money, but come round three and four they picked up their stride and got back into regular form.  Our drinking round took a page out of the classic board game Balderdash where I asked the group to give me a definition for a word for which I did not know the meaning that was picked at random from a long list of wacky words.  My word was "Fardingbag" and some of the answers/definitions were truly top notch:

Go Cougars: Whoopee cushion (hey, with a word like that someone had to say it)

Long Beach Seal Beach: Bag used to collect milk from a cow

Sandabs: a Thin mattress

Quizlamic State: Kim Kardashians Mouth (amazing)

and the winner - Schrodingers Cat's and Dogs: a woman's make-up bag.  Why was this the winner you ask?  Well they gave a very convincing description of how one of the team members heard a very popular radio show host go into great detail about how he was saying "fardingbag" and not "farting bag" over the radio when describing how a woman "fards"when she puts on makeup.  You got me schrondinger's, you got me good.

Overall our winner was the Wicked Wahines.  

Great night of trivia!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10138 Wicked Wahines 57 7 1.000
2 10585 Albatross 54 6 0.857
3 10970 Whiskey Quizness 53 5 0.714
4 10102 Schrodinger's Cats and Dogs 52 4 0.571
5 11567 Long Beach Seal Beach 39 3 0.429
6 Go Cougars 37 2 0.286
7 11089 Land Sharks 34 1 0.143
8 Sandabs 33 0 0.000