Malainey's Grill

168 N. Marina Drive
Long Beach CA 90803
(562) 598-9431


Tue Apr 10 2018
| by Quizmaster John Brinkley

Tonight had something I as a quizmaster had not yet experienced, each team was tied until the fourth round.  Who would have thought that would happen!  After our fourth round, though, the leaders began to separate from the rest of the pack.  Through some well placed double or nothings, our second place team actually came from 4th place to within only a couple of points of the winner!

Good night tonight!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10138 Wicked Wahines 56 5 1.000
2 10970 Whiskey Quizness 54 4 0.800
3 11089 Land Sharks 48 3 0.600
4 10585 Albatross 40 2 0.400
5 Go Cougars 38 1 0.200
6 Sandabs 32 0 0.000