Malainey's Grill

168 N. Marina Drive
Long Beach CA 90803
(562) 598-9431


Tue Oct 23 2018
| by Quizmaster John Brinkley

It was a bit challenging trying to host trivia while the Dodgers are in the world series. On one hand, people love their Trivia, on the other hand, though, people also love their Dodgers. Luckily for me, trivia won out in the end.

Had a great night.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11089 Land Sharks 53 6 1.000
2 10585 Albatross 42 5 0.833
3 Sandabs 38 4 0.667
4 Eat me, I'm a Danish 36 3 0.500
5 Go Cougars 34 1 0.250
5 10970 Whiskey Quizness 34 1 0.250
7 Happy hour power 26 0 0.000