Marco Polo Bar and Grill

5613 4th Ave S
Seattle WA 98108
(206) 762-3964
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:00pm


Tue May 24 2022
| by Quizmaster Kedisha Hall

Hey there Marco Polo! Oh-what-fun did we have this Tuesday, huh? I know I laughed so much that I choked on my spit a couple times (sorry 😅)! Anyway, enough TMI and onto the winners and scores...

In Third place, we crowned team Fish Makes 5 with 43 points!

In Second, team Scratch 'n' Sniff dominated with a crazy (almost 69 😜) 67 points! 

And tonight's newcomers COMPLETELY took us by force with a crazy 75 points! Congrats to team Peaches 'n' Herb!

Come back next week and bring some new pals for more food, drink, fun, and candy! 🤪 (Who doesn't love candy?!) 

With all the love and knowledge the world can grant,

Your Quizmaster, K 💙

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 67749 Peaches & Herb 75 5 1.000
2 43421 Scratch and sniff 67 4 0.800
3 67715 Sisterwives (Unfortunately left early!) 44 3 0.600
4 67738 Fish Makes 5 43 2 0.400
5 53732 Just another Morty 31 1 0.200
6 67737 Team Scrange 13 0 0.000