Marco Polo Bar and Grill

5613 4th Ave S
Seattle WA 98108
(206) 762-3964
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:00pm


Tue Jun 20 2023
| by Quizmaster Akexis Tiedmann

Seattle is officially in “Juneuary” mode - which means we’re in our last little cold snap before it gets mega warm and sunny in July!! But that didn’t stop our regulars and a brand new team from heading out to trivia tonight!


We had our regulars Team Missfits joined by our newest regular team, Team Pyramid Scream here tonight. We had a brand new team, Team Nerdtastic as well, who were thrilled to play!


Round 1 resulted in a 3-way tie to start the game, with everyone going into Round 2 with 4 points. The game was back and forth, and Team Pyramid Scream pulled ahead in Round 5 when they found the connection, helping them get 8 points in that round. 


Team Missfits absolutely stole the show though in Round 6! They’re sports aficionados and it was *their* moment. Not only did they get 10/10, but went Double or Nothing to shoot ahead to a 16 point lead. 


The final question was a fun one, and I even made my own list without looking at the answers to see if I could have gotten it! Who knew Criminal Minds was on the list??? People love their crime and medical dramas!


In the end, I was happy to announce Team Missfits took home top prize on my last night hosting trivia. They’ve been here every week since the beginning, and we’ve become good friends in the process. I’ll certainly be back by to check in on everyone and say hello when I have the chance!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 75075 MissFits 40 2 1.000
2 97319 Pyramid Scream 22 1 0.500
3 101810 Nerdtastic 14 0 0.000