Murphy's Pub

1928 N 45th St
Seattle WA 98103
(206) 634-2110
About Murphy's Pub

On May 18, 1981, a year after Mt. St. Helen's blew, Seattle's first Irish bar opened: Murphy's Irish Pub. That's right. We've been around for more than thirty years. When Chris Barnes and Dan Cowan originally opened Murphy's, it stood where Starbucks stands today, a half a block to the east (a Radio Shack stood on the corner of 45th and Meridian, where Murphy's is today). Dan left shortly after (and went on to open The Tractor Tavern in Ballard), while Chris slowly built a Seattle institution. For years, its stage was host to the nationally syndicated Sandy Bradley's Potluck, a sort of Prairie Home Companion of Seattle, featuring traditional old-time American music, ragtime and blues to movie cartoon sound tracks and novelty songs. Being the first Irish pub, it managed to log a few firsts along the way: the first bar in Seattle to start a St. Patrick's Day tradition, the first bar in Seattle to pour micro brews from the tap (Redhook opened in Fremont in 1982), and first in the hearts of its patrons all the way. On February 12th, 2015, Murphy's Pub reopened under new management and ownership. The new crew is Phil and Chelley Bassett, and Eamonn Davey. After the much needed facelift, you'll find that Murphy's is still pretty much the same: a bar in the Irish tradition, where you can chit chat with friends over a Guinness or Murphy's and other great Northwest beers, dine on great tasting food, listen to some live music a few nights a week (Irish music jam session on Mondays), and just relax after a long day.


Tue Aug 23 2016
| by Quizmaster James Avery

As the end of Summer approaches and apples dangle from neighborhood trees, the warmth and camaraderie of your local pub beckons. Treat yourself to a cold pint, scrumptious pub fare and King Trivia at Murphy's Pub every week on Tuesdays at 7:30.

This week, B-Squad took home 3rd place and a $10 gift card to Murphy's. Jan and Frank placed 2nd ($15 gift card), and our grand prize-winning team, BAB, took home a $25 gift card!

So come join us in the best brain teasing this side of the Cascades for some King Trivia at Murphy's!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 BAB 41 2 1.000
2 Jan and Frank 18 1 0.500
3 B-Squad 7 0 0.000