Tue Feb 1 2022
| by Quizmaster Kimani McGhee

The winners to my first game congratulations Team: Boneheads

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 50538 Boneheads 56 11 1.000
2 50527 Drag Show Bingo 52 10 0.909
3 50515 Quiztopher Walken 50 9 0.818
4 50521 ALT-Middle 49 8 0.727
5 50522 Eva Streeters 44 7 0.636
6 50516 Norfolk Enchants 41 6 0.545
7 50509 BRR 39 5 0.455
8 50507 Here for the beer! 35 4 0.364
9 50512 TED 32 3 0.273
10 50510 Los Unicornicos 27 2 0.182
11 50532 Commited but not Married 16 1 0.091
12 50540 Charbonauts 0 0 0.000