Tue May 31 2022
| by Quizmaster Madison Macloud

So much fun to be had this week at Napa Barrel Project!  We laughed, we cried, and most importantly, ordered many a pizza from the kitchens.

It was my distinct honor to lead these fearless trivia explorers through tonight's game.  We somehow got through a Stranger Things question without season 4 being spoiled for me (perhaps the most impressive feat of the evening.  The quiz also took us through film awards, burgers, and somehow managed to pair Reese Witherspoon and satalite dishes together in one round successfully.  My drinking round this week was short but sweet, asking our teams to wrack their brains together to come up with answer to life's most important question: how many people ARE registered as real vampires???

At the end, Joy Killers took third, winning $1 off their next visit.  Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles and The Otter Pops found themselves in a tie, initiating the nail-biter tie-breaker question.  After intense deliberation, The Otter Pops managed to almost nail the answer on the head, winning them the tie-breaker point, and the game!

Always such a great time at Napa Barrel Project!  I'll be back next Tuesday at 7pm for more.  

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 The Otter Pops 73 5 1.000
2 Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Turtles 72 4 0.800
3 Joy Killers 40 3 0.600
4 Fred and Ethel 32 2 0.400
5 Queso Formagio 30 1 0.200
6 BB^2 26 0 0.000