Network Brewery

Santa Ana CA 92705
(657) 859-8004
About Network Brewery

Small Brewery that packs a punch to your pallet.


Tue Oct 30 2018
| by Quizmaster BJ Grip

'Twas the night before Halloween
And all through the Brewery,
There were plenty of open seats
As teams there were few...ery.

Due to what I'm assuming were either Halloween hijinks or mourning over the Dodger's close-but-still-so-far World Series title (or some combination of the two), the night was dead at Network. Which was apt since most of the clues were Halloween-themed...and as we discovered, very difficult! See for yourself in the point totals; this may be the lowest-scoring game I've ever seen! But don't despair, faithful readers, the night was still fun with a lot of great banter back and forth between teams.

After drafting Shark Bite into the mix by telling them they'd be in the Top 3 no matter what, the race was off! After confusing Quentin Tarantino for Eli Roth, both My Grandma Doesn't Wrestle But You Should See Her Box and Shark Bite fell behind Team Venture and they kept a very comfortable lead through the rest of the night. All the teams stayed pretty stumped through the creepy music round and only got a handful of Stephen King's novels to finish out the night. Guess when you have a million and a half books out under two different names, it's hard to keep track of which ones came first.

*Side Note: I learned something new about Stephen King since two of the teams wrote down The Langoliers as an answer. Not only is it a mini-series that was on in the 90s but it's also one of his novellas! So, no, it didn't get them any points...but knowing is half the battle!

So all in all, a quick intimate round of trivia that saw Team Venture walk away with some Ducks tickets and the other two teams getting some money off of their tab. Success for everybody! I'm off next week, but will be back for some November goodness the week after that!

Happy Halloween everybody!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Team Venture 37 2 1.000
2 My Grandma Doesn't Wrestle But You Should See Her Box 26 1 0.500
3 Shark Bite 14 0 0.000