New Glory Craft Brewery

8251 Alpine Avenue
Sacramento CA 95826
(916) 451-9355


Thu Oct 28 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

What a night, what a night! Welcome back everyone to King Trivia at New Glory Craft Brewery. This was the thursday before halloween, so I wasn't sure how tonight would be in terms of turn-out, but I was happy to see so many participants getting their weekend started right.....ahead of friday even. I won't tell. 

Tonight we had two new teams: depressed food workers and Sean Blows. By the end of the night, we boiled things down to two main front runners, the returning champs Team Chad was dethroned by newcomers Sean Blows with a 9 point lead. Wonderful work everyone. Who will be the champion next week. Find out next time on Dragonball Z!

************************FUN FACT OF THE WEEK**************************

Tonight, we had an entire round feature birds as the theme, so I thought I’d give some background on some fun bird facts. We all have heard rumors that dogs are colorblind, and we know that humans can see a large array of colors, but did you know that birds are even better than we are with greater visual acuity, ability to see ultraviolet light, and can see better than us in low light conditions.

Birds can see ultraviolet, which is something humans need a blacklight for, because of the photoreceptive cones in the retina. In humans, we have three types of cones distinguishing red, green, and blue light. However, birds contain a fourth kind of cone that allows them to see ultraviolets frequencies of the light spectrum. The human eye has ~10,000 cones/millimeter while songbirds can have up to 120,000 cones/millimeter.

Also on the retina are cell rods which essentially just allow for the distinguishment of light. Humans have 200,000 rods/millimeter while some birds such as owls can have up to 1,000,000 rods/millimeter. Think of the amazing visual acuity and color perception these birds can see in! Anywho this is getting long, but hope you had fun reading 😊

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 38032 Sean Blows 40 2 1.000
2 35782 Team Chad 31 1 0.500
3 38034 Depressed food workers 23 0 0.000