Tue Nov 7 2023
| by Quizmaster Joshua Kornbluth

The three teams that competed were Little Late, Blue Team and Jar Jar Twinks. Jar Jar Twinks dominated with 46 points. Little Late made a vailiant run for 2nd place, after getting into the game later. For some reason, The Little Late score isn't listed. Uploaded are pics from participants in the Blue Team and Little Late, who I chatted with afterwards. There were some technical glitches, but I got through my 1st Quizmaster hosting assignment without botching the results. Overall, I got more comfortable as time progressed and felt a connection with the crowd overall as proven by the picks uploaded here. 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Jar jar twinks 46 4 1.000
2 Little late 17 3 0.750
3 Blue team 16 2 0.500
4 Don’t count 0 0 0.125
4 Joe McKenney 0 0 0.125