
125 N 36th St
Seattle WA 98103
(206) 632-3002
About Petoskey's
Welcome to Petoskey’s in Fremont.  Seattle’s only Midwest Bar and Restaurant.  From the people behind Zayda Buddy’s and Pomerol, Petoskey’s serves real Midwest Comfort Food in a super comfortable environment.  Wood fired Minnesota Style Pizza, excellent hot dishes, deep-fried Wisconsin cheese curds, Walleye fish basket, bouja, and more great stuff.



Petoskey’s features an excellent selection of beers and cocktails. Definitely try our Bloody Mary on weekends when we will feature all the Big Ten College games and of course the NFL’s NFC North Division on Sundays.  Petoskey’s is home to the Vikings and the Lions as an ode to Mike Petoskey’s heritage (We think he leaned more purple and gold, but that has long been debated over many Grain Belts and Stroh’s). Of note: The Vikings did tame the Lions during the Vikings era (793-1066).  We do have that Midwest Nice in us, so all you Midwest folk can come and feel welcome to watch your Packers and Bears too.  Seahawks games will also be featured.  NHL and MLB games from all Midwest teams will be televised.



Come on in and feel happy.  We welcome all who want a good meal and a nice beer or cocktail.  Petoskey’s food and drinks are made by friendly cooks and served by friendly bartenders and servers.  That’s what we do dontcha know.


Tue Mar 5 2019
| by Quizmaster Marc Snedden

Communication process initiated.....How does it presently move forward fellow homo-sapiens? This recap is being generated by a fellow organic flesh-bag and not a horrifying cyborg amalgamation of metal and flesh that now inhabits your host's body. Ha Ha Ha. What a funny joke I have made...I'have made... I've made. Only real human beings can use contractions, that is a truthful statement.

Now let us process the outputs of earlier data entries. We had five accounts register in our database: R and A, Thundercats B Team, March Sanity, The Zayda Buddies, What's Her Face, and Banana Stand. Sequential review of contiguous competition is now commencing.

Round 1 is designated with classification General Knowledge. Questions were sourced from variety of factoid data-banks such as Prolate Spheroid-Ball ("Nickname of NFL Player BenJarvus Green-Ellis = The Law Firm") and Felidae Consumption ("What cat-food brand 'Tastes so good, cats ask for it by name' = Meow Mix"). We made note of question regarding the human organ related to cardiac conduction (heart). We find that this organ is essential for human survival and should not be removed without cause.

Round 10 has designation Visual Round. Qualifier definition has been assigned as Films and TV series with New Orleans setting. Reverse-image search of historical archives using Square Collections of Hex Codes #RRGGBB yield titles such as Treme, A Streetcar Named Desire, and NCIS: New Orleans. Error processing engaged, last result is not compatible with expectation of entertainment value. Archive also contains two other entries with NCIS; duplicated records noted for future deletion. No logical reason exists for that number of crime procedural spinoffs.

Numeric Tabulation follows. Position 1 retained by March Sanity at 13 units. Position 2 retained by The Zayda Buddies at 11 units. Position 3 retained by Banana Stand at 10 units. Position 4, 5, and 6 are retained by What's Her Face, Thundercats B Team, and R and A respectively. Returning to round progression summation.

Round 11 designated as Theme Round: All questions or answers contain acronyms. We find all abbreviations to be unnecessary convention of human speech patterns but respect efficient usage of sound wave vocalizations. Sample acronyms include Zone Improvement Plan ("What does Z.I.P. Code stand for?"), Building + Antenna + Span + Earth ("What does the E in BASE jumping stand for?"), and Apparatus ("What does the A in SCUBA stand for?").

Round 100 has designation of Guess Who?. Registered accounts performed multivariate natural language processing to associate biographical details with personal identity. Entity of focus has large sums of fiat currency sourced from sale of record label corporation. Entity created aeronautical corporations for point-to-point delivery of fleshbags, including suborbital travel. Entity has been assigned name-card of Sir Branson, Richard Charles Nicholas.

Position Ranking update is as follows: Position 1 with 21 units is March Sanity, Position 2 with 20 units is Banana Stand, Position 3 with 14 units is equal to three accounts (R and A, The Zayda Buddies, and What's Her Face). Position 4 with 11 units is Thundercats B Team. Observational logs show that account R and A was not detected in future Rounds.

Round 101 is designated as Find the Connection. All assigned answer values share commonality. Question entries found as statistically difficult, median accuracy rating of 55% is sub-optimal. Problem questions identified: What does a funambulist walk across? Tightrope. Krug and Bollinger are producers of what alcoholic beverage? Champagne. Opening track of U2 Album 'How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb'. Vertigo. Commonality identified in historical archive as containing partial and full matches with titles of Alfred Hitchcock films (see sample: Tightrope).

Round 110 has designation Handout Round. Registered accounts tasked with sorting personal cellular device identifications with originating manufacturing corporations (sample association list: V40 = LG, Treo = Palm). Human awareness of secret global surveillance network remains undetected. Proceed with plans to generate additional receptors in clothing mini-containers with use of fold-able glass-screen technology.

Final Round 111 has designation....adjusting to decimal number system from binary, please hold.........

Final Round 7 has designation Nine Walkers. Registered accounts tasked with retrieving character list from the historical archives. Full query was as follows:

In J.R.R Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring, which nine characters set out from Rivendell on the quest to Mount Doom?

Possible violation of rules protocol detected. All five remaining accounts generated 100% accuracy and four accounts provided necessary inputs for Double or Nothing. Popularity of high fantasy novels does not compute with cultural analysis of United States. Remit prior statement, historical archives detects audio-visual depictions of said literature. Results now conform to expectations.

Final position tabulations are now finalized for logs. [Insert Introductory Congratulation Statement]. Position 1 at 54 units awarded to March Sanity. Position 2 at 52 units awarded to Banana Stand. Position 3 at 47 units awarded to What's Her Face. Position 4 at 40 units assigned to The Zayda Buddies. Position 5 at 31 units assigned to Thundercats B Team. Position 6 at 14 units assigned to early exit account R and A. [Insert Closing Congratulation Statement]

Event replication will commence on the forthcoming Tyr's Day. Attendance is highly recommended. Sequential review of contiguous competition is now completed. Communication process terminated....

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 17606 LGBTBBQ 54 5 1.000
2 Banana Stand 52 4 0.800
3 18409 What’s her face 47 3 0.600
4 The Zayda Buddies 40 2 0.400
5 Thundercats B Team 31 1 0.200
6 R and A 14 0 0.000