Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Jun 28 2017
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Phew! These weeks just fly by! Luckily there's a hump day in the middle of the week where you can go to a bar, and play some trivia! Just like at Pickwick's Pub on Wednesday night's for King Trivia!

For Wednesday night's drinking round, teams had to send one member from their team to play a tournament - style, 5 card draw poker game.  At the end of four rounds of play, The Garfield Go! Masters won the tournament and a round of shots for their team.

Coming in third place and winning a $10 gift certificate, was team "These Cornish Pastries are Making me Thirsty!" with 52 points.

In second place, winning a $20 gift certificate, was Pogue Mahoney, who led the entire night until the final round when the Mighty Mighty Puffins answered more correct to finish in first and win the $30 gift certificate. Pogue Mahoney scored 54 points, and the Mighty Mighty Puffins scored 57 points.

See you next Wednesday for more King Trivia!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 It was the best of times, it was the worst of Tim 57 8 1.000
2 Pogue Mahoney 54 7 0.875
3 These Cornish Pastries are Making me Thirsty! 52 6 0.750
4 10685 Hanky Panky 45 4 0.562
4 The Peeps 45 4 0.562
6 10879 Survivors 41 3 0.375
7 The Garfield Go! Masters 39 2 0.250
8 Mc BJs 38 1 0.125
9 Expelliarmis 37 0 0.000