Pickwick's Pub

21010 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 340-9673
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 8:00pm


Wed Mar 13 2019
| by Quizmaster Daniel Bliley

Woohoo! King Trivia on Wednesday night at Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills brought in an enthusiastic crowd of 16 teams ready to try and win some prizes and drinks! I love it when the crowd cheers when the show starts! It's the best!

For the Drinking Round, teams had to send one player up to play a version of a game originally made popular by the former gameshow Minute to Win It. Each contestant had to start with 2 pencils on the back of one of their hands and they had to flip them up and catch them in mid air with the same hand without dropping any. Each time they successfully caught the pencils, they would add two pencils and try and perform the same task. The person that successfully catches the most pencils would win the Drinking Round and a round of shots for their team. It was a tough competition, but several teams got the hang of it, in fact two teams successfully caught 13 pencils. But the winner of the game was Jamaican Me Crazy who successfully caught 14 pencils without dropping any! Way to go! Hope you enjoyed the shots!

Coming in third place scoring 46 points was our naturally creative and photogenic team, Alternanative Facts. They are notorious for always coming up with a different team photo style whenever they're in the winner's circle. Wednesday's picture was no different. Check it out above!

Coming in 2nd place thanks to a successful double or nothing in Round 6, was team Blue Milk! These Star Wars fans were able to score 56 points on their way to seizing the 2nd place victory! Enjoy the $20 gift certificate you scruffy looking nerf herders! I'm just kidding, your not scruffy looking!

And coming in 1st place was, just take a wild guess, that's right, the Mighty Mighty Puffins! They scored 71 points even without a full squad! You guys kick ass! Enjoy your $30 gift certificate!

And that wraps it up for this edition of your weekly King Trivia recap from Pickwick's Pub in Woodland Hills! See you next Wednesday night for more!

And remember, help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10518 It was the best of times, it was the worst of Tim 71 15 1.000
2 Blue Milk 56 14 0.933
3 12983 Alternative Facts 46 13 0.867
4 Group 2 45 12 0.800
5 Can You Repeat the Question 44 10 0.700
5 10685 Hanky Panky 44 10 0.700
7 Shhhhhhhh!? 42 9 0.600
8 The New Guys 34 8 0.533
9 Bob Lob Law's Law Blog 33 7 0.467
10 18585 Sin and Tonic 32 4 0.333
10 Kathouse 32 4 0.333
10 Jamaican Me Crazy 32 4 0.333
13 The 3 Must Get Beers 30 3 0.200
14 Rubber Ducks 25 2 0.133
15 Riders of the Purple Sage 21 1 0.067
16 Lil Bits 19 0 0.000