Pineapple Hill Saloon (Wednesday)

4454 Van Nuys Blvd.
Van Nuys CA 91403
(818) 789-0679
About Pineapple Hill Saloon (Wednesday)

Answer Submission Form for Pineapple Hill (Wednesday)

Pineapple Hill Saloon & Grill is the locals' destination for enjoying a refreshing beer, gathering with friends, or watching the game.


Wed Feb 27 2019
| by Quizmaster Rebekah Fear

Hungry AF and Loudermilk started the night off strong with doubles. Loudermilk held their lead until Round 5, when Gazpacho doubled and propelled into 1st place, with 9/8 Central doubling and ending up right behind.

Team in 5th place was coincidentally always in 5th place until the end when they finished 4th.

For the drinking round we had a paper airplane contest. (I didn't check the weather and so it started to rain, but we still did it anyway!) GTL's airplane flew the straightest and farthest and so they won a round of drinks!

In the end, Gazpacho finished first with 9/8 Central taking 2nd over Loudermilk by just 1 point.



Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10065 Gazpacho 61 10 1.000
2 10260 9 8 Central 54 9 0.900
3 17714 Loudermilk 53 8 0.800
4 14252 GTL 42 6 0.650
4 Hungry AF 42 6 0.650
6 Team in 5th Place 41 5 0.500
7 13489 Car Pie 39 4 0.400
8 13915 We try 38 3 0.300
9 12890 Scooby Brew 36 2 0.200
10 16421 Danny and the wangs 30 1 0.100
11 Harvard Alumni 17 0 0.000