Pineapple Hill Saloon

4454 Van Nuys Blvd.
Van Nuys CA 91403
(818) 789-0679
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:00pm


Tue Sep 17 2019
| by Quizmaster Milo Shearer

Halfway through September and we're finishing summer strong with a fabulous boat of trivial mayhem ready for our players. They used every single second, down to the wire, and then some, rushing in their sheets with the vigour of students who spent more time planning their excuses to the professor than they did writing their term papers! A very special drinking round introduced Survey Slam! a new game from King Trivia! look out for more events in your area.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10155 Tequila Mockingbirds 71 10 1.000
2 21459 Three Cool Boys 68 9 0.900
3 11796 Nasty Women 65 8 0.800
4 11713 Quiz Kid Donnie Smith 62 7 0.700
5 10128 There's Always Next Week 60 6 0.600
6 15760 Free Smoke 59 5 0.500
7 14647 Casual American Cannibals 58 4 0.400
8 10038 The Kids Table 57 3 0.300
9 21405 Revolving Door 56 2 0.200
10 Pineapple Slices 45 1 0.100
11 Warmest Regards 40 0 0.000